The Sovereign Individual and the New Power

The sovereign individual isn’t just coming, he is already here.

It won’t look utopian in the way utopia has been presented by many, with free food and housing for all.

It will be another realignment by the immutable forces that have always governed us.

It will be the triumph of the individual and the producer class over the parasite class created by Marxism’s war on nature and its law.

Selfishness is another word for “I determine how to distribute the fruits of my labor and I choose my tribe and family”.

Pathological altruism, not selfishness, is the curse of mankind.

There are still many who look for a strong man or a control system to reinstitute order and revive culture and morality. This looking backwards to the future is really just another form of escapism.

Fascism, Democracy,  Socialism, and other systems are long dead. Their advocates are just too busy looking backwards to see the future that is already here.

They may appear to be in competition but you are watching the panicked deathgasm of the past as the future dawns upon us.

In the coming decades technology will make power and control of others absolutely impossible.

Yesterday was the birthday of Ted Kaczynski. His brilliant critique of industrial society is packed with truth. We no longer live in an industrial society though. We are in the post-industrial age and the tumult we see globally is the “future shock”  Alvin Toffler so brilliantly prophesied of in the 1970’s.

The technological advancements used by the police state are also available to all of us. The countermeasures driven by the power of the free market consistently outpace the machinations of slow moving governments implementing plans with under qualified diversity hires. 

Natural law will once again do it’s impartial weeding out of the stupid and lazy.

Natural law is the will of the Allfather who instituted it.

Every human system that has tried to hold power over groups larger than the tribe, which is based on voluntary cooperation of familial blood loyal units, has failed. They will continue to fail.

The failure of all man made power structures is due to the fact they all are attempts to usurp the only real power, which is the Allfather, and the immutable expression of his will we know as Natural Law. Survival of the fittest. To the victor the spoils.

He curses the strongman who tries to pick winners and losers. Evola and others were correct in the sense there is an eternal struggle to control but the good guy was incorrectly framed as the one struggling. The man struggling to control other men struggles against the Allfather only. He already made the perfect system in nature and freedom is the only thing it needs to operate.

He deals with degenerates through pestilence and the violent reactions of those around them, the ever present revolutionaries and vigilantes who serve as the white blood cells of humanity, cleaning the body of societies.

Those looking for someone to save them are cowards unwilling to save themselves. The Gods hate cowards above all and will never let them prosper.

The Allfather ordained system of voluntary association under meritocratic tribe with individual autonomy at the top worked for millenia until systems, monarchies, governments, rulers, and strongmen attempted to create anything bigger than tribe, which is the natural organizational system wired into our DNA.

Any government or system larger than this is cursed to fail, as it is rebellion to the Allfather and his holy order.

We are approaching the real final solution. The personal nuke, battery powered death rays, home automated production of food and power, and unfettered access to information.

It will render the parasite class obsolete, and the age of the sovereign individual, organized in voluntary tribes that require merit to be a member, will form the next upward evolution of the species.

It is an unstoppable return to tradition and an evolution, occurring simultaneously.

This is why we see a the continuing rise towards a crescendo of the laughable attempts to censor, enforce community standards, force the globohomo agenda on people, and control society through antiquated methods such as force or brainwashing the youth.

The laws of the most tyrannical system ever created are still unenforceable. Even their own system is turning against them, such as last months majority of states pledging to send troops to fight the feds if they interfered with the efforts of Texas to secure the southern border against the invading hordes.

It is not us the people who cannot vote our way out of this, it is the Congresses, Senates, and Legislatures who cannot vote their way into controlling us.

We need to look no further than 90 years of gun conrol or 56 years of the drug war to determine the actual power of those pretending to weild power.

After a trillion dollars and the militarization of law enforcement drug use has dropped by zero. The drugs are better quality, cheaper, and more available.

The amount of military style arms in the hands of the people saw dramatic expansion despite the attempt in 1994 to ban “assault weapons”. In 1994 there were 44 milion gun owners. As of 2024 there are 82,880,000 gun owners. These numbers are low because huge numbers of Americans buy them privately where no statistics can measure them.

You cannot understand power unless you understand the difference between the illusion of power, or the claim of power, contrasted to the ability to enforce or wield power.

Only 2% of firearms are owned by law enforcement. You aren’t going to control a population that out-guns you by such a large margin.

The modern form of  tyranny is to slowly nibble at our rights with slow creeping regulation and taxation. This is an inherent admission by the state their power is only what the people will consent to.

In the area of firearms, the people have crushed the decades long nibble swiftly over the last decade. As most states abolished carry permits and allowed even open carry of semi-automatic firearms.

The draconian measures used to censor social media aren’t working to stop ideas spreading.

Natural Law will always win with its human economic expression called Capitalism.

The market for free speech saw the toppling of Twitter by Elon Musk and X after it took a leading role in censorship.

The market for free speech drove the rise of Telegram, where in a few short years over half a billion people joined to find censorship free news and communication. This under a cloak of protection from government interference by servers providing encrypted communication from places like Dubai. The havens of the Globalists are also havens of the people to subvert them, and this will be a ubiquitous theme in coming decades.

It will continue to play out this way in increasingly fast cycles much to the chagrin of the globohomo elite, and on a larger scale.

For example, in the latest unnecessary war in Ukraine, NATO and other aggressors were soundly denied use of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite network. If you look at the cutting edge of technology you see that NASA is not spearheading the space race, it is private companies like Space-X and ULA. Space -X will launch 100 or more rockets this year, and NASA will launch zero.

We are approaching a tumultuous time as millenia of human attempts to gain and wield power crumble to dust.

Where people once looked to strong men to provide safety and prosperity, they find warmongering pedophiles they can never trust.

They find that their own ability to provide and protect is greater than that of the state, and the producer class is weary of providing for the parasite class.

The impotence of the cult of the omnipotent state is apparent to all.

The attempt to forcibly integrate cultures is serving as the catalyst for a resurgence of nationalism and nativism, and one need look no further than the nearly instant toppling of the duopoly by Donald Trump saying “Make America Great Again” to see the size and scope of the market demand for minimal government and maximum freedom.

The degeneracy market is a subsidized and forced product that is being rejected wholesale by the rising power of Gen-X raised in the morass while still seeing the tail end of the good life before it. As the soft and weak boomers, the weak men produced by prosperity created by the hard times of the generation before them are dying off.

The hard men are assuming power. The Marxist and Globalists are about to be fucked. They know it and that is why they serve us daily absurdities, and all the side dishes of honks and rees.

The tumult of the transition from the Agricultural Revolution to the Industrial Revolution was great. Many reactionaries then tried to adapt antiquated systems but they were doomed to fail and did.

So it is again as the Technological Revolution sweeps the Industrial Revolution into the dust bin of history.

We have come full circle to where the Gods planted us before the arrogance and foolishness of the egoist gave rise to empire millennia ago. 

A place where the power lies only with the individual and tribe, who will form the nations and govern it like the Allthing, which lasted many centuries longer than our current US government.

You have no king but the Allfather.

You choose your tribe and its law. If it does not align with natural law you will be cleansed by nature, not anyone else.

You are the Sovereign of the future, and nobody can stop that.

Hail the New Dawn 

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