The Science of Political Success – The Power of Positive Exposure

Emerging science suggests that the key to changing hearts and minds is exposure to people who defy negative stereotypes, and befriending those you are inclined to hate. By: Ryan Ramsey I have been asked many times why I spend time arguing online with leftists, NatBols, NatSocs, NeoCons, and others. The best way to become a … More The Science of Political Success – The Power of Positive Exposure

The American Guard Presents – John Camden With Guest Ryan Ramsey, True American Nationalism and Alt-Right Buffoonery

Richard Spencer’s promotion of child pornography in a recent interview sparks a discussion on the use of the “Alt-Right” to undermine the growing right-wing populist movement in the US, and discussion the true defining characteristics of American culture. This is a segment of a longer broadcast featuring multiple American Guardsmen and right wing activists from … More The American Guard Presents – John Camden With Guest Ryan Ramsey, True American Nationalism and Alt-Right Buffoonery